RSVP for your Headshot
PHGBC will be having a FREE headshot day hosted by Chris Hankins on the first Sunday in July between 1:30pm and 2:15pm on the right side of the Deacon Charles Pickett Gymnasium.
See further details below.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is this being hosted?
This service is being presented as a way to assist in enhancing any PHGBC member in their business portfolios and/or school portfolios in this season of graduation and future endeavors where headshots may be beneficial.
When can we expect the headshots back?
The Headshots will be ready no later than August 1st VIA email.
Headshots should take no longer than 1-2 minutes for each person as 2-4 poses will be instructed.
Please come looking your sharpest as extensive edits will not be made to these photos.
Due to limited time, photos will not be shown back in real time after they are taken.